Uit de media buitenland 2016

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Reactie #70 Gepost op: 23 februari 2016, 19:37:58
A major incident has been declared following an explosion at Didcot Power Station in Oxfordshire.
South Central Ambulance Service said it has sent its hazardous areas response team to the site, as well as three ambulances and the air ambulance.
A spokesman said: "We are describing it as a major incident."

BBC Breaking News @BBCBreaking
Major incident declared with several casualties after an explosion at Didcot power station http://www.bbc.com/news/uk-england-oxfordshire-35641766

Hazmat & CBRNE News @hazmatnews
Didcot explosion: was been prepped for demolition charge, possible accidental detonation #didcot #explosion



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Reactie #71 Gepost op: 23 februari 2016, 19:43:15
Major incident at Didcot Power Station, 23 February

Oxford University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust can confirm that it is responding to a major incident declared today (23/2) at Didcot Power Station.

Casualties are being directed to the Emergency Department of the John Radcliffe Hospital which has been made ready to receive them.

We are not able to release any information on numbers of casualties at this time.

We are grateful to members of the public for avoiding attending our Emergency Department for anything other than serious or life-threatening emergencies.



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Reactie #72 Gepost op: 23 februari 2016, 19:50:23


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Reactie #74 Gepost op: 23 februari 2016, 21:34:20
HampshireFireService @Hants_fire
5 USAR specialists and two dogs are on their way to Oxfordshire to assist with #Didcot explosion

London'sAirAmbulance @LDNairamb
Our thoughts with all those affected by the #Didcot power station incident and all the emergency services working to treat patients.

USAR Capability Team @USAR_Capability
Live updates from #DidcotPowerStation where we have #USAR teams currently carrying out search operations. http://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/live/2016/feb/23/explosion-at-didcot-power-station-reported-live-updates


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Reactie #75 Gepost op: 24 februari 2016, 07:50:27
Tuesday 23 February 2016, 8:43pm
A major incident has been declared at Didcot Power Station following the partial collapse of a building.

Emergency services were called to Didcot A Power Station at about 4pm today (23/2).

There was a partial collapse of a large building, which is approximately 300m long and ten storeys high.

The building was due to be demolished in the coming months.

Oxfordshire Fire and Rescue Service has command of the incident, supported by South Central Ambulance Service and Thames Valley Police.

Sadly, it has been confirmed that one person died during the incident.

Meanwhile, four people have been taken to the John Radcliffe Hospital in Oxford; two with serious injuries, two with minor injuries.

There are three people reported missing on site at this time.

More than 40 people were treated at the scene for dust inhalation, and have since been discharged.

The Health and Safety Executive has been informed and will conduct an investigation, which will be supported by Thames Valley Police.

There is currently a 100m cordon in place, however there are no public road closures at this time.

Deputy Chief Fire Officer Nathan Travis said: “It is with great sadness that I have to confirm one person has died during this incident. Our priority now is to find the three missing people.

“The search will be a considerable undertaken due to the instability of the site. We expect the search will continue through the night and possibly into the coming days.

“There is Specialist Rescue and Command Support Units, and Urban Search and Rescue Units from Buckinghamshire, Hampshire, and West Midlands at the scene, including search dogs. The fire service is being supported by South Central Ambulance Service and Thames Valley Police.

“Dust from the collapse covered a considerable area but I would like to reassure the public there were no hazardous materials within the building, but we would advise local residents to remain inside, keeping doors and windows closed.

“Anyone concerned about dust inhalation should call NHS on 111.

“I would like to confirm that this is not believed to be a terrorist incident.”

There are two air ambulances, four specialist Hazardous Area Response Team vehicles and six ambulances at the scene.

The following number has been set up for concerned relatives 0121 3252424.


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British Red Cross @BritishRedCross
Thoughts are with those affected by incident at #Didcot power station. 3 of our ambulance teams supported South Central Ambulance Service

Jason Avery @jasavery
HFRS USAR deployed with search dogs. Additional team members in attendance assisting Oxfordshire FRS colleagues.

ITV News @itvnews
Hospital update: Four men stable and one man in serious condition after Didcot collapse

West Midlands Fire @WestMidsFire
Our Technical Rescue Unit are currently on way to support @OxonFireRescue at #Didcot power station collapse.


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Reactie #76 Gepost op: 24 februari 2016, 08:47:39
'Unstable' building at Didcot slowing hunt for missing three

The search for three people missing after the collapse of Didcot Power Station is being hampered by safety concerns over the "unstable" section still standing, fire officials have said.



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Reactie #77 Gepost op: 24 februari 2016, 09:37:14


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Reactie #78 Gepost op: 25 februari 2016, 07:34:01
West Midlands Fire @WestMidsFire 1d
Our Technical Rescue Unit are currently on way to support @OxonFireRescue at #Didcot power station collapse.

West Midlands Fire @WestMidsFire 1d
The thoughts of West Midlands Fire Service are with those affected by tragic #Didcot incident this evening. See @ThamesVP for more.

West Midlands Fire @WestMidsFire 1d
Our drone has been requested at the #Didcot incident - a further crew are on their way to support @OxonFireRescue pic.twitter.com/n7nTXgYxjp

Essex Fire Service @ECFRS 17h
Service search and rescue dog team Graham Currie and Kirby joined search teams at #Didcot http://www.essex-fire.gov.uk/news/Essex_dog_team_joins_search_effort_in_Didcot/ pic.twitter.com/BRnPJnbEuU

bbcpetercooke @peteralancooke 16h
At least half of the 300m long building has collapsed. Robots being used to search the site. As yet there have been no signs of life #didcot

bbcpetercooke @peteralancooke 16h
Fire Service: This is one of the most challenging scenes we've had to deal with in some 30 years. #didcot

bbcpetercooke @peteralancooke 16h
People in hospital seriously injured but not believed to be life threatening. Huge risk the rest of the building could collapse #didcot

Simon Vigar @simonvigar5 16h
Closest media position #Didcot fire chief tells me the rest of it could collapse at any time: pic.twitter.com/pS2LRRlW6O

Simon Vigar @simonvigar5 16h
Only drones and probes going inside remaining structure at this time// team assumes the missing three men are dead

USAR Capability Team @USAR_Capability 13h
Urban Search & Rescue teams from @Hants_fire @Bucksfire & @WestMidsFire continue working at #DidcotPowerStation as part of national response

Meer over USAR Capability Team http://www.hulpverleningsforum.nl/index.php?topic=96407.msg1408701

West Midlands Fire @WestMidsFire 9h
.@TechRescueWMFS are still in Oxfordshire this evening supporting colleagues following tragic #Didcot collapse


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Reactie #79 Gepost op: 25 februari 2016, 21:39:03
Duitse politiehelikopter neergestort:

Zwei Tote nach Hubschrauber-Absturz bei Bimöhlen

Großeinsatz für Rettungskräfte und Polizei am Abend im Kreis Segeberg: Beim Absturz eines Hubschraubers der Bundespolizei sind am Donnerstagabend in Bimöhlen zwei Menschen ums Leben gekommen. Nach ersten Erkenntnissen wurde eine weitere Person schwer verletzt, wie ein Sprecher der Bundespolizei sagte. Der Hubschrauber vom Typ Eurocopter 135 war mit drei Personen besetzt. Der Absturz ereignete sich gegen 20 Uhr. Die Maschine wurde völlig zerstört.

Absturzstelle nicht weit von Autobahn entfernt
Bimöhlen liegt unmittelbar an der Autobahn 7 bei Bad Bramstedt. Gebäude oder unbeteiligte Personen wurden laut Polizei "vermutlich nicht in Mitleidenschaft gezogen". Der Hubschrauber gehörte zur Fliegerstaffel Fuhlendorf bei Bad Bramstedt - etwa fünf Kilometer von der Absturzstelle entfernt. Die Rettungsarbeiten dauern an.

+ FOTO: https://www.ndr.de/nachrichten/schleswig-holstein/Hubschrauber-bei-Bimoehlen-abgestuerzt,hasenmoor102.html
Persfotograaf en webredacteur van onder andere de website http://www.gelrenieuws.nl/. Check ook mijn eigen website: https://apenhorst-fotografie.nl/